Thursday, October 7


So, before this blog thing becomes more serious, there are some things we need to get clear about.

I am a "Cheese Purist". You ask, what is "Cheese Purist"? Well, I am basically really picky and can only eat cheese by itself or with something neutral like bread. uff, thats done!
Sooooo, you will not find cheesy recipes in this blog for the solely reason that I cook mostly for myself and my husband (and make him eat the things I like! :)). But as you may have noticed, I write because I have to fill in my time and these recipes are suggestions for your weekly meal planning, therefore you may add cheesy bits to them as you go along.

Other things I don't eat: olives (I'm a terrible mediterranean specimen), ham, chorizo, double cream, raw fish eggs, whale or raw meat (I lived in Japan so i feel like I have to mention these...) and milk is mostly a "no-no" in most savory dishes!

This was a relief, and by the way, feel free to comment if you cook any of these recipes or just clic on some of the adds...who knows, maybe I'll get some money!

Thanks for stopping by and reading my rants.

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