Sunday, October 3


I am an architect or at least I was educated to become one. Education was a big part of my life, I studied architecture, urban design, music, I used to play the piano, and I can speak fluently 3 languages and other 3 in a quite funny way.
I grew up in the 80s and learnt that I would be able to do anything that I could or wanted. I travelled around the world, got scholarships and lived in 3 continents. But nothing prepared me for work life and shortly after I started on my first big job, a recession took over the world and I lost not only my job but a lot of the faith I had in the world and consequently in myself. Since then, I havent made it as an architect, at least not finantially, I got married to the love of my life and moved continents again to be with him.
But nothing had prepared me for this year.
I moved from Portugal to Australia, which is a fairly big move. Amongst waiting for a visa to come through and struggling to adapt to a new place and to a newly wed lifestyle I went through so many ups and downs in a year that I found it really hard to keep my sanity (and although I seem like a normal person most of the time, I feel like I am always walking on a tight rope) and the only person who has been there for me was my husband.
Now, this blog is an attempt to document my life through this process and somehow try to accept that whatever I have done and keep doing with my life has a meaning and a purpose.
Now, for more pragmatical introductions, I am still not working oficially, and most of my time is spent at home doing things, mostly cooking. I have always loved cooking but never really put this much time into it and I realized its imensely therapeutical. I paint, design virtual buildings and even learnt how to sew by myself this year so in a way, I have survived this tough year of bureaucratic b***s**t through experimenting and creating things with the few resources available around me.
Hopefully, from now on I will be able to document future projects being them architectural, artistic, culinary or in a fashion sense, otherwise you'll know I finally got a job and became an active part of the world. (fingers crossed!)

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