Saturday, October 9


Following the last recipe and because I had a weekend of trying to cook familiar tastes, here goes one of the most ubiquitous treats in Portugal, you can find then in almost every small cafe, we call them "Pasteis de Bacalhau".

For about 25 units, you'll need:

1 150/200g piece of Bacalhau (salted codfish) soaked over night, 5/6 medium potatoes, 1/2 onion chopped, 3 tbs chopped parsley, pinch of nutmeg, black pepper, 1 egg and vegetable oil to fry .
1. Boil the cod until cooked, remove from the pan, dry and shredd.
2. Boil the potates and make a coarse mash with a potato masher.
3. In a boil, place the mash and the 1/2 onion thinly chopped, With a fork, mix everything together.
4. Place the shredded cod in the bowl and mix again (mixing with a fork constantly will make sure the flavours mix together and it will smoothen the potatoes further)
5. Add the chopped parsley, nutmeg and ground black pepper, mix and try it on. If it needs any salt, add it now. (i didn't need any because I used salt-dried cod)
6. Finally add the agg and mix everything very well.
7. Using 2 spoons, take a piece of the mixture and by pressing the spoons together back and forth, make the cakes.
8. When they are ready, deep fry them in hot vegetable oil and they'll be ready to eat. (I fried some and froze the rest)


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