Tuesday, April 5

recipe: Lancashire Lamb Hotpot

I have no idea where Lancashire is, I found this recipe in a magazine and decided to give it a go...I used lamb instead of beef and changed the cooking method a bit, but was happy with the result anyway. Its getting cold in Melbourne so this kind of food is really comforting at the moment.

Serves 4:
500g diced lamb (I used cutlets), 2 tsp olive oil, 2 onions thinly sliced, 5 carrots diced, 1 tsp dried thyme, 2 tbsp flour, 2 dried bay leaves, 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 2 potatoes thinly sliced, 1 tbsp chopped parsley, salt & pepper to season

1. Heat oil in a sauce pan. Add onion and bay leaves and cook until soft;
2. Add carrots, thyme and cook for another 5 minutes stirring occasionally;
3. Coat diced lamb in flour and add to the pot. Cook stirring for a couple of minutes until lamb starts to brown;
4. Add a cup of water (or enough to cover
everything) Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper and bring to a boil;
5. Check seasoning, add parsley and top with sliced potatoes. Simmer covered for about 10 minutes - or if your pot is oven proof, stick it in a pre heated oven -190C -and bake for 25 minutes or until potatoes are golden on top.
6. (if your sauce pan isn't oven proof continue the recipe from this step) Remove the potatoes from the pot and place them in a small oven proof dish. Bake them in a preheated oven -180C-for about 15 minutes or until golden/ crispy.

Serve the lamb with your roasted potatoes on top and enjoy.

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