Tuesday, December 21


This was a really nice meal touching the restaurant feel I wanted to get, it took a bit of time, but nothing crazy. You can do everything in less than an hour and it will taste and look great.

serves 2:

2x 180g eye-fillet steaks, 9 button mushrooms (would love to use enoki or eringi but couldn't find them...), 1/3 cup soy sauce, 1 tbs mirin, 1/2 tbs rice vinegar, 1/2 tbs sesame oil, 1 tea spoon grated ginger, 1 1/2 cups water, 2 cups salad greens, 3 small potatoes (I used purple organic potatoes from the garden), chopped rosemary, 2 tbs honey, salt, pepper and a pinch of 5 spice (if available), pinch of oregano, 5 tbs olive oil

1. Season the steaks with salt & pepper and trim any fat (use the 5-spice if you have - rub a pinch of it on each side of the steaks);
2. In a bowl, mix soy, mirin, vinegar, ginger, sesame and water. Add the mixture to a sauce pan and bring it to a simmer; add honey and quartered mushrooms simmering for about 5 minutes until they are tender; (taste and correct flavours if needed)
3. Heat some water in another sauce pan and boil the potatoes with the skin for about 10 minutes; then drain and transfer to an oven proof dish, season with salt, chopped rosemary and 1 tbs olive oil; bake for about 15-20 minutes at 190 C;
4. Wash the salad greens and season with 2 tbs olive oil, a bit of lemon or balsamic vinegar and the oregano;

5. Heat 2 tbs in a fry pan. Cook the steaks for about 5 minutes each side or until they are cooked to your liking. Transfer to a plate, cover with foil to rest for 5 minutes;
6. Place half of the mushrooms on a place, top with the steak and some of the soy sauce. Serve with the salad and the potatoes.

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